1. They have hired the Spanish teacher for September who will be the kindergarten teacher and the Spanish resource teacher
2. Earl Grey will be getting a new principal as the current one is retiring. They will have someone hired by June 21st
3. Registration is still open for kindergarten and there are two child care centres in and beside the school, Dante Day Nursery and Earl Grey Children's Centre. If daycare is an issue for registration, register your child at EG and then call the two centres informing them you have registered your child and they will make you a priority. EGCC only has children from EG school, so you can't get a spot until you register at the school.
Because this concerns a number of families who have already registered, Celia informed us it is very difficult for the division to know how serious families are and therefore it is difficult to promise a spot in the program. She suggested that if out of catchment families are committed to having their child in this program, not just for kindergarten but through the next 6-12 years, they need to communicate that.
To state your commitment, call the District Superintendent and the principal at Earl Grey School. Reiterate that there is no Spanish program in your division, and so you won't go anywhere. If the child you have registered is your oldest, point out that there is little chance of moving them and a 100% chance their younger siblings will be coming to EG. Add anything else that you think may be relevant.
5. The division found a local Winnipeg author that writes Spanish children's books and they are working to provide additional resources for the kindergarten class.
6. The Rep. from the Spanish Embassy in Ottawa, Maria de los Santos Espejo Quijada will be coming June 20/21 and may have time in her schedule to have a parent meeting. This would be open to anyone, but especially geared towards Spanish speaking families who would benefit from hearing why enrollment in this program will help retain their language, both written and spoken for their children.
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