Monday, July 1, 2013

Benefits of Language Learning

 “Learning another language allows us to see with new eyes.” 
– Marcel Proust

Alberta Education commissioned a 2006 study to survey the results of research on additional language learning. It found that students who become proficient in a second language benefit in many ways:

1.     Personal Benefits
·  Travel, cross-cultural relationships
·  Access to culture, literature, film, etc.
2.     Intellectual Potential
·  Students proficient in two languages score higher in verbal and non-verbal intelligence.
·  Students studying a second language develop listening, memory, and divergent thinking skills.
3.     Effect on First Language
·  Second language study significantly strengthens first language skills in areas of reading, vocabulary, grammar and communication skills.
·  The earlier the start, the greater the positive effect on the first language.
4.     Scholastic Achievement
·  Students studying a second language have higher test scores in reading, language and mathematics.
5.     Economic Potential
·  Proficiency in another language enhances prospects for postsecondary study and employment and opens up international opportunities.
·  There is an urgent requirement for qualified speakers of languages other than English in areas of science, technology, medicine and global commerce.
6.     Citizenship
·  Students learning a second language have superior cross-cultural skills and adapt better to new cultural contexts.
·  Students studying a second language display greater cultural sensitivity.

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