Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Forum Night

The meeting went quite well yesterday.  Thank you to all that turned out.  We want to continue to build support and have people spread the word about this proposal.  Here are some ways you can get involved to make this possible.  Because if the community wants a Spanish Immersion Bilingual program in the schools for their children, people can't just sit on the side lines.  Wondering what you can do to make this a reality?

1.          Sign your child(ren) up on our database. 
2.          Spread the word and let people know of the proposal
3.          Put up posters and information throughout the community
4.          Volunteer to tend booth promotions at various city festivals.  
5.          Provide services/product as “in-kind” support (photocopies, promotions, paper) 
6.          Become part of the steering committee. Get involved in the organizing, planning, networking and creation of the proposal. 


  1. I'd like to be a volunteer (to tend a booth) at various city's festivals. Let me know please.
    Claudia Sagriotis

  2. Thank you so much Claudia! Let's be in contact via email to arrange how you can help. We would love that very much.
