Thursday, January 28, 2016

Update on Registration - Deadline Tomorrow

Two members of the board that makes the ultimate decision regarding the Spanish Bilingual program asked how registrations were going because they are very interested and hopeful parents will respond and register their children.

One of the board members informed me that if we could get 20 registrations, whether or not they were in the catchment or not, he would urge the board to move ahead with the program since it is the only one in the province. WSD families would have bussing, out of catchment would not.

So, every child registered, regardless of the division they live in, counts towards the number we need. We do hope that you will register your child tomorrow if you have not done so already; it will make a huge difference.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Don't miss the Registration Deadline!

We can hardly believe that it is only 3 days before the deadline on Friday January 29th to register for Spanish Bilingual at Earl Grey School.  Many of you are on our database, but you must go down and register in person at the school in order to secure your spot. Call the school at (204) 474-1441 if you are unable to make it down during regular school hours and they will be accommodating. 

The division needs a deadline of the end of January in order to have time to approve a budget for the new program. Will they need to have two classes or just one? Do they have to hire one teacher or two? They also need time to renovate the new kindergarten classroom. The school division and the school is eagerly awaiting your registration to make plans!

Maybe you still have questions about transportation and bussing, or wondering if your child is ready for a bilingual program or questions about daycare etc. However we nor the division cannot answer your questions unless you register! Go and hold your spot before it's too late!

1. Bussing routes are figured out in the spring based on those who are already registered.
2. Earl Grey Children's Centre, Dante Day Nursery, and ABC Montessori can only bump families up on their list if they are already registered at EG.
3. Your child's nursery teacher can offer advice on kindergarten placement starting in April.

We have an opportunity to be part of the first Spanish Bilingual Program in all of Manitoba! Earl Grey School is a fabulous N-8 school in a beautiful River Heights neighbourhood, with not only room for your kindergarten children, but your older children who can register for the English program in anticipation for the late entry Spanish in grade 7. It's a win-win situation for your family.

We urge you to go and register your child(ren) before you miss out. Being bilingual has amazing advantages and we have the chance to give that to our children, our community, our city, and our province. 

Monday, January 11, 2016

Upcoming Open Houses

There are two Open Houses coming up.
1. Wednesday January 20 at 6:00 pm. Earl Grey School, 340 Cockburn St N. Specific to those who are or interested in registering their child for kindergarten. Hosted by Earl Grey and WSD.

2. Sunday January 24 at 2:00 pm. Glenwood Community Centre, 27 Overton St. For those interested in knowing more about expanding Spanish Bilingual to include more grades (for example late entry), other schools and divisions across Winnipeg. Registration forms will be available for Earl Grey. Hosted by Kathy Heppner and Eugenia Lehmann.