Thursday, May 21, 2015


Qualifying Bussing (Per Board Policy):
  • There is free school bus service for qualifying students who are in the [Heritage language] Bilingual Program in Kindergarten to Gr 6
  • Home and Daycare addresses must be within the Division boundaries and at least 1.6 km from school.
  • Daycares within the Division may be serviced if the home qualifies and must also be over 1.6 km from the school.
  • There is no fee for students qualifying for bus service.

Non-Qualifying Bussing:
Any student that does not qualify for bussing under regular Board Policy may apply on a fee-for-service basis from their home or daycare that falls within the following criteria:

  • Service address (home or daycare) must be within the Division
  • Home or daycare must be at least 1.6 km away from the school
  • There must be an existing stop/route that the student could access
  • There must be room on the bus and buses would not be rerouted to accommodate fee paying students 
  • Service will be offered on a first-come, first-serve basis if approved

  • If the seat is required at a later date for a student who qualifies under regular Board Policy, the parent of the fee-for-service student would be given 7 days notice to make alternate arrangements for transportation

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

What is Really Happening

The Winnipeg School division has set a new target date for September 2016 to start a Spanish Bilingual Program pending sufficient enrollment numbers. 

The story in the Winnipeg Free Press on May 12th was misleading and incomplete, calling the program “a bust”.  After a recent meeting with the School Board Chair, Mark Wasyliw, the Winnipeg School Division has reiterated its commitment to the Spanish Bilingual program. 

It will begin at Luxton School, located at 111 Polson Ave. in West Kildonan pending sufficient enrollment. Chief Superintendent Pauline Clarke and Mark Wasyliw are dedicated to working with Eugenia Lehmann, Kathy Heppner and the community to bring the Spanish Bilingual program to reality in Winnipeg. The program will start with a combined kindergarten and grade 1 class if there are 23 students willing to register. 

For further information and to register call Eugenia Lehmann at (204) 887-4572 or Kathy Heppner at