Qualifying Bussing (Per Board Policy):
- There is free school bus service for qualifying students who are in the [Heritage language] Bilingual Program in Kindergarten to Gr 6
- Home and Daycare addresses must be within the Division boundaries and at least 1.6 km from school.
- Daycares within the Division may be serviced if the home qualifies and must also be over 1.6 km from the school.
- There is no fee for students qualifying for bus service.
Non-Qualifying Bussing:
Any student that does not qualify for bussing under regular Board Policy may apply on a fee-for-service basis from their home or daycare that falls within the following criteria:
- Service address (home or daycare) must be within the Division
- Home or daycare must be at least 1.6 km away from the school
- There must be an existing stop/route that the student could access
- There must be room on the bus and buses would not be rerouted to accommodate fee paying students
- Service will be offered on a first-come, first-serve basis if approved
- If the seat is required at a later date for a student who qualifies under regular Board Policy, the parent of the fee-for-service student would be given 7 days notice to make alternate arrangements for transportation