We have had more conversation with Winnipeg School Dvision this week and they seem quite positive about starting a kindergarten class for 2014. They have asked us to present the names of the children in their school division that are born in 2009 in addition to all the names we have for that age group from other school divisions.
What we understand from that is if we can get more names of students in the Winnipeg School Division they will confirm the start up of a Spanish Bilingual program and welcome students from outside the school division. This is great news!!!
We are working on setting up another meeting with them in the coming week to discuss how the division can help us promote theprogram as well as if they can answer our questions regarding location. Our hope is that they would advertise it in all their schools. This would be so important as we move forward.
What we need from you as parents: Promote the program, especially to families with children entering kindergarten and especially those that reside in Winnipeg School division.
Our desire is to still work towards getting a late immersion program started, either for grade 4 or grade 7. Our numbers are a bit lower for those age categories, but if you are wanting to see it happen for the 2014 or even the 2015 school year, we need to gather more names. I plan to call a number of parents in my son's class asking them if they would consider putting their children in late Spanish Bilingual if it was offered. It's worth asking if it means making this a reality.